pussy pals

This is the tale of the two original pussy pals, whose highly pro-woman discussions were captured on eight-track and sold to truckers, so they could wank in their cabs to powerful feminist discourse. [rf episode=”58″]


There are many excellent reasons to faint. These include: You are bleeding out, and you body needs to lower blood pressure to delay death. The venom has paralysed you, and now the spider is pointing its egg sac into your tear duct and there ain’t nobody got time for that. You’ve been holding your breath for … Read more

national anthem

A national anthem should reflect the status and mood of its country. It should project an image that is consistent both with the values of the country, and it’s position on the world stage. Here is the National Anthem of the UK. Interestingly enough, God Save The Queen is only the UK National Anthem through … Read more